Teaching English is like tea

Why is teaching similar to making good tea? Find out!

Teaching English is like tea

Teaching English is like tea. Coming to classes is like putting a teabag into a cup. If you leave it there long enough, tea will infuse into water. Similarly, by coming to English classes students will inevitably learn something. But if we taste the tea after that –Yak! We might feel something is missing, something else is needed. Let`s put some sugar in the tea. Sugar represents the input-grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation-all we teach our students. But just being present and hearing English around you and being explained input in measured amounts is not enough. Let`s taste the tea again. Yuk! Something is still missing!

You need to stir the tea for it to be sweet! Just listening to explanations is not enough. Students have to work with English they are exposed to, they need to be active, need to make an effort, need to be motivated and interested. They need to participate in activities. We teachers should “stir” them.

So, we need to stir our tea. And if you taste it now – It`s perfect! Enjoy your cup of tea! Enjoy your teaching, enjoy your students` learning!

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